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- 1 rem===================================
- 2 rem
- 3 rem floating point converter
- 4 rem rupert report #60
- 5 rem
- 6 rem===================================
- 10 print"[147]floating point converter"
- 15 print "========================"
- 20 x0=sqr(36) :rem: x0 must be first variable
- 30 sp$=" "+chr$(13)
- 40 def fnptr(m)=peek(m)+256*peek(m+1)
- 60 false=0: true=not false: c64=false
- 70 if fre(0)=fre(1) then c64=true
- 80 vp=47: if c64 then vp=45 :rem start variables pointer
- 90 sv=fnptr(vp) :rem start variables
- 100 s1=sv+2: s2=sv+3: s3=sv+4: s4=sv+5: s5=sv+6 :rem storage area for x0
- 110 if not c64 then (NULL) 1
- 200 rem ========= fp to stored values ==
- 210 print "(x to switch modes; q to quit)"
- 220 print "enter floating pt. value :"
- 225 input x$: if x$="" then 260
- 230 if x$="q" then end
- 240 if x$="x" then print "[145][145][145]";sp$;sp$;"[145][145][145]": goto 310
- 250 x0=val(x$)
- 260 v1=peek(s1): v2=peek(s2): v3=peek(s3): v4=peek(s4): v5=peek(s5)
- 270 gosub 1010
- 280 goto 210
- 300 rem ========= stored values to fp ==
- 310 print: print "(x to switch modes; q to quit)"
- 320 print "enter 5 stored values (0 to 255) : "
- 330 input "first value";x1$: v1=val(x1$)
- 340 if x1$="x" then print "[145][145][145]";sp$;sp$;sp$;"[145][145][145][145]": goto 210
- 350 if x1$="q" then end
- 360 input "2nd value";x2$: v2=val(x2$)
- 370 input "3rd value";x3$: v3=val(x3$)
- 380 input "4th value";x4$: v4=val(x4$)
- 390 input "5th value";x5$: v5=val(x5$)
- 400 poke s1,v1: poke s2,v2: poke s3,v3: poke s4,v4: poke s5,v5
- 410 gosub 1010
- 420 goto 310
- 1000 rem ===== conversion & output =====
- 1010 print v1; v2; v3; v4; v5
- 1020 rem -- exponent, mantissa, sign --
- 1030 ex=v1-128
- 1040 mn=(((v5/256+v4)/256+v3)/256 + (128 or v2))/256
- 1050 sn=1: if v2 >= 128 then sn=-1
- 1060 print ""; sn*mn; "[146]* 2^"; ex; "[146] = "; x0; "[146]": print
- 1070 return